
Showing posts from March, 2019


Sunrise Scenes from the Top After Sandhan Valley, I had planned around 3 treks in the first two weeks of January 2019! Hoping that I'll start this new year with my favorite thing! But you know, luck is something that plays a major role in your life; I was so happy about all the plans I've made, and on the 2nd day of new year, I had an accident. Luckily (see how ironic it is), I didn't break any bone but yeah, skin on my left palm was completely torn out, and all my plans were eventually cancelled. Entrance to the trek, after 156 NM So after a long gap in my 2 consecutive treks, Peb was the first trek of 2019! And trust me, it was best, and memorable. Peb was supposed to be done back in 2016 only, but we cancelled it because one college student lost his life in a landslide during the trek. So, we decided to go to Rajmachi instead. Peb was the shortest, and the fastest trek I've ever been to. Since I was a first timer for this trek, I was completely unaware a