I know it's pretty late to write about this experience but I've been very busy with other stuff which I really don't know why I was engaged in it (LOL).

This blog is about Harishchandra Gad which is in Ahemadnagar District, Maharashtra. There are 3 routes by which you go up there.
1) Nalichi Vaat - Most difficult and dangerous as well
2) Khireshwar - A level easier than nalichi vat.
3) Pachnai - Easiest of all but yet entertaining.

just another fog covered view
We (a group of 7 people) went there with a professional trekking group called "Treks and Hikes" on 9th of July,2017.
Basic itinerary of the trek was to catch the Kasara local train from your nearest railway station which reaches Kasara in midnight. From there, there will be private vehicles which take you to the base village, Pachnai.

We took the train and it was a very pleasing travel time as we all friends were just enjoying ourselves playing cards and shouting and making chaos. After we got down at Kasara, we sat in a private vehicle and started our journey to the base village. Our group was separated because there were 34 people in total so we had to adjust. After we left kasara station, there is a small inn which is open for whole night; and you won't believe, it was crowded even at 2.00 AM!! People (mostly who came for treks for Harihar, Kalsubai and Harishchandra gad) took a loo break there; and a cup of really good coffee at 2.00 AM is everything you want before a heavy trek.

Bumping into every possible waterfall
The distance of base village from kasara station is approx 100 km which takes almost 4 hours to reach there. We reached the base village (pachnai) at around 6.00am. The atmosphere was ecstatic. We were very much excited for the next journey. If you've read my past blogs about treks, then you might know that whenever we go for trek, we go unplanned. Well that's the beauty of our various trekking experiences. But this trek was different, it was pre-planned by some other team and we were just followers. We had Kandepohe and a cup of tea for breakfast. An introductory session was conducted by group in-charge and then we started to hike.
Breathtaking view from Konkankada

It is just like other treks, normal hike; but the fort discloses it's beauty as you go on exploring. The fort is full of waterfalls and ponds which make you feel energetic after a tiring walk. I remember that we used to throw our bags and stand in the waterfall; enjoying ourselves. The scenery from the fort is mind blowing and very pleasing. One would love to stay there forever.

We came across a pond which was about 20 ft deep (as told by our instructor). In our group of 35 people, we were the fastest; everyone was behind us which gave us a room to enjoy more rather than being sane under peer pressure. As we kept on going, the atmosphere was totally covered with fog. The fog was so dense that one can not see what's beyond 2 meters. We clicked so many photos on the road to top.

Our trip did not include "Taramati Peak" which is the highest point on the fort and is 3rd highest peak in Maharashtra. So I am looking to go there once again for camping and exploring.

Lord Shiva Temple
Our group enjoying beauty of Konkankada
There is Temple of lord Shiva and there is "Shivlinga" which was initially supported by 3 pillars out of which only 1 is left; rest 3 are broken. And it is believed that when the 4th one breaks, the world ends. There is a lake next to the temple and are caves. People who go for camping choose to stay in caves but the caves are so dirty these days so it would be preferable to carry your own tents. We took a short break there and started our further hike.

After the wind uncovered the beauty
We started marching towards Konkankada, the main attraction of the fort; and yes, a view worth dying for. While heading towards konkankada, we could not see each other due to dense fog. After another hike of about 1 hour, we reached Konkankada and I was about to burst in tears of joy. I've never witnessed such beauty ever in my life. Yes, truly it was a spot I would die for. When we reached there, everything was covered by fog. After a while when we settled down, a strong current of wind blew the fog away and then what we saw is something I cannot put into words. It cannot be described; it can only be lived. The view was so breathtaking and we were flattered.
Foggy Konkankada

We sat there, had lunch, clicked many photos and started marching down with a bunch of photos and memories as well. It took us 2 hours to get back to the base village.

I know this blog is not written so well but believe me, I cannot put into words what I lived. It is a must do trek for every mountain lover.

Height - 1422 m above sea level.
Peak point - Taramati point
Attraction - Shiva Temple, Konkankada
Difficulty - Moderate to Hard
Recommended season - Rainy (Of course !!!)

##All photographs by Chinmay Parulekar.


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